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Home > General > Modifying Computer Performance when Solving
Modifying Computer Performance when Solving
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In this article we explain how to alter system performance while solving in GeoStudio.

Before You Start

  • The GeoStudio System Requirements article outlines some considerations for optimal performance. 
  • Read this first to see if there are any factors that may be affecting the specific type of analysis you are trying to solve.
  • The steps listed involve actions that require full administrator access to the computer.
  • This article assumes the host operating system is Windows 10. 

Altering System Performance

  • By default, the priority of the solving processes are lowered below the priority of the user interface (UI) processes. 
  • This allows the UI to remain responsive during solves. 
  • If your responsiveness is being hampered by solving, there are some options available to you to limit the number of cores used for solving.

Manually Set Processor Affinity

  1. On the 'Windows Taskbar', click on the 'Start' button (shortcut:  Windows logo key or Ctrl + Esc).
  2. Open the 'Windows System' folder.
  3. Click on 'Run'.
  4. Enter the following command to start the 'Task Manager':
  5. If there's a 'More details' button, press it.
  6. Select the 'Details' tab.
  7. In GeoStudio, start solving your analysis.
  8. Back in 'Task Manager', look for 'SolveServer.exe'.
  9. Right-click on 'SolveServer.exe' and select 'Set affinity'.
  10. Select the number of CPU's you want to dedicate to this process.
  11. Click on 'OK' when finished and close 'Task Manager'.

Manual Thread Management

  • The environment variable 'OMP_NUM_THREADS' will specify the initial number of threads assigned to a multi-threaded block of processing. 
  • GeoStudio will launch n simultaneous solves and within those solves, launch n threads. 
  • By raising or lowering the number assigned to 'OMP_NUM_THREADS', you can increase or decrease the number of threads assigned rather than have GeoStudio manage thread assignment.
    • For example, setting 'OMP_NUM_THREADS' to 3 means that for each solve, 3 threads are launched. 
    • So if 3 solves are launched in parallel, you would have a total of 9 threads being used. 
  • Be aware that using the 'OMP_NUM_THREADS' environment variable will affect all other applications running on the computer.

To set the 'OMP_NUM_THREADS' environment variable:

  1. On the 'Windows Taskbar', click on the 'Start' button (shortcut:  Windows logo key or Ctrl + Esc).
  2. Open the 'Windows System' folder.
  3. Launch the 'Control Panel' application.
  4. Click on 'System and Security'.
  5. Click on 'System'.
  6. Choose 'Advanced system settings' from the pane on the left.
  7. Click on the 'Environment Variables...' button.
  8. Click 'New...' to add a new System variable.
  9. Set the variable name to:
    and the variable value to whatever number you deem appropriate.
  10. Click on 'OK' when finished.
  11. Launch or re-start GeoStudio and begin solving.
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