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Effective 2024-07-01, Seequent will introduce updated Annual Maintenance policies for GeoStudio products.

From this date, GeoStudio perpetual licenses that are not current on maintenance will become machine-locked to the computer or server where the software is installed.

This means they cannot be moved to another device or restored to the current device in the event of, but not limited to, software failure, virtual machine re-hosting, formatted hard drive and so forth.
Home > Licensing > Network Licensing > Setting the License Server Information in the Registry
Setting the License Server Information in the Registry
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This article explains how to set the license server information in the registry for GeoStudio.

Before You Start

  • This process assumes the host operating system is Windows 10.
  • This process involves modifying the registry.  You should make a backup of your registry.
  • This process involves actions that require full administrator access to the computer.
  • We highly recommend that you create a system restore point before proceeding.
  • This process assumes a default installation of GeoStudio.

Launch the Registry Editor

  1. On the 'Windows Taskbar', click on the 'Start' button (shortcut:  Windows logo key or Ctrl + Esc).
  2. Open the 'Windows Administrative Tools' folder.
  3. Click on 'Registry Editor'.

Add License Manager Information

  1. Create /  modify the necessary registry keys:
    • For 32 bit versions of GeoStudio:
    • For 64 bit versions of GeoStudio:
      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\FLEXlm License Manager
  2. Add / edit the string / value data:
    • Value name:
    • Value data (Depending on version):
  3. The value of 27009 is the port number for the license server.  It is only necessary to include this if you have set a custom number outside the default range of 27000 – 27009.
  4. If you have a non-default installation, or have specified a different path for license files, you will need to change the value data path accordingly.
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