Sep 22, 2020
In this article we explain the error message error message:
This license's maintenance period does not entitle you to use this release of GeoStudio. Install an older version of GeoStudio or renew maintenance to use this license.
This error is typically encountered when upgrading or installing a new version of GeoStudio and can be seen in the 'License Management' dialog box.
- Using any given GeoStudio release requires a license with valid software maintenance.
- Software maintenance entitles you to use any new release of GeoStudio during the active maintenance period.
- Software maintenance also gives you access to priority technical support for installing and using the software.
- When software maintenance expires, renewal is optional.
Steps to Resolve
- If you want to use the newer version of GeoStudio, you will need to renew the software maintenance for your license.
- If you do not want to renew your software maintenance, you will need to install an older version of GeoStudio that your license supports.
- To identify and download a version of GeoStudio that your license supports, enter your serial number in the Find My License online tool.
- This will return information similar to the following:
- In this example, the software maintenance for this license expired at the end of February, 2019.
- This license cannot be used with any version of GeoStudio published after that date.
- This license can be used with any version of GeoStudio published on or before that date.
- Now, refer to the GeoStudio Alternate Downloads page.
- To the right of each version will be the software maintenance date required to run that version.
- Download an installer for a version that meets your maintenance requirements.
- In the example above, the license is entitled to use any version published on or before February 2019.
- GeoStudio 2019 version (or any earlier release) meets that requirement.