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Effective 2024-07-01, Seequent will introduce updated Annual Maintenance policies for GeoStudio products.

From this date, GeoStudio perpetual licenses that are not current on maintenance will become machine-locked to the computer or server where the software is installed.

This means they cannot be moved to another device or restored to the current device in the event of, but not limited to, software failure, virtual machine re-hosting, formatted hard drive and so forth.
Home > Installation > Error 0x80070005 - Failed to Install
Error 0x80070005 - Failed to Install
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In this article we explain the following error that can occur when installing GeoStudio.  Typically this error is found in the Setup log file:

Error 0x80070005: Failed to ...


  • Error code 0x80070005 is a general error code to Windows users.
  • It signals a general "Access Denied" response to a setup action.
  • It occurs in fairly broad cases which involve system and application updates, and access to the registry. 
  • The error code is reporting that access to a vital area needed during the setup process is being restricted. 
  • This can even happen if you are running the setup program with administrative rights.
  • Uncompleted Windows Updates can also cause this error.

Steps to Resolve

  1. Re-start the computer and try running setup again.  In may cases, this is enough to bypass the error.
  2. Temporarily disable your anti-virus or malware prevention software and try running setup again.
  3. Ensure that all Windows Updates have been successfully applied.
  4. This error code can also appear if your computer is affected by malware and / or a virus.  If re-starting the computer and applying Windows Updates does not correct the problem, you may need to ensure your system is free of malware and viruses before running setup again.
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